
以下是文化、历史、遗产或意识庆祝/月/日的列表. 这个列表并不全面. 我们欢迎您的反馈,包括添加到列表中. If you're thinking about organizing an event and are interested in a consultation or requesting logistical support, please contact 多样性、公平、包容和归属感.


的 Latinx Heritage Month celebrates the contributions of Latinx Americans and the richness of the cultural 历史 of those with ancestries typically from Spain, 墨西哥, 加勒比海和中南美洲. 的 period encompasses the dates on which several countries in the South and central America celebrate their respective Independence days.  阅读有关 拉丁裔社区的贡献和获得教育资源.




足彩外围网站纪念土著人民日! Join us in a procession led by Xipe Tote of Lazaro Arvisu to celebrate shared 历史 and culture. 随之而来的是祝福、歌声和言语.

菲裔美国人历史月 is celebrated in 10月 to bring awareness to the role Filipinos have played in American 历史. 的 month was chosen as it was in 10月 1587 when “Luzones In dios” landed at Morro Bay, 加州, 和一些最早的菲律宾水手在一起. 2009年,美国.S. 国会承认10月为美国的菲律宾裔美国人历史月.

更多信息,请访问 菲律宾裔美国人国家历史学会 网站.

LGBTQ+历史月庆祝LGBTQ+社区的历史和成就. 纪念活动的开始是为了号召人们为这场运动采取行动. 多年来, LGBTQ+历史月 has evolved into a national collaborative effort to bring extraordinary figures from the LGBTQ+ community into the spotlight.



美中联合倡议.S. De美国国务院和美国.S. 教育部 promote and celebrate programs that prepare Americans for the global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, 学习, 交流经验.

了解更多足彩外围网站 国际周.


每年11月,我们都会庆祝美国印第安人遗产月, 自1990年通过的联合决议以来,遵守了哪些规定. 的 month recognizes the contributions of the first Americans to the establishment of the US as we know today. 宣言各不相同(e.g.、“美洲原住民传统月”、“全美和阿拉斯加传统月”等.) 

11月11日被定为退伍军人节,以纪念美国的退伍军人. Historically 11月 11 marks the day when fighting ceased between the Allied nations and Germany. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅 退伍军人管理局网站


“马丁路德•金纪念日” 是纪念民权领袖马丁·路德·金诞辰的全国性节日. King was a leading spokesperson for nonviolent activism in the Civil Rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968. He protested racial discrimination in state and federal law and helped advance civil rights for people of color in the United States.


黑人历史月 in 2月 is is dedicated to celebrating the achievements and 历史 of African Americans. 的 celebration pays tribute to African Americans who struggled and advocated to achieve full citizenship in the U.S. 纪念非洲侨民历史上的重要人物和事件.  

黑人历史月图书馆资源指南 是获取额外信息的重要资源吗.


csamar Chávez日 (3月31日)是美国每年的3月31日. 这个节日是为了庆祝csamar Chávez的生日, a migrant farmworker who became a leading activist in the fight against racial and economic injustices toward Chicanxs communities. Chávez co-founded the National Farm Workers Association in the early 1960s and gained support to have his organization be the first successful farm workers’ union in the United States.

爱尔兰裔美国人传统月 第一次庆祝是在1991年. 它是为了纪念爱尔兰移民及其后代在美国所做的贡献.S. 圣帕特里克节(3月17日), the Irish national holiday and a cultural and religious celebration of the patron saint of Ireland also falls during this heritage month. 

全国聋人历史月, 3月13日- 4月15日, 纪念聋人和重听人的成就. 历史月分布在3月和4月, which recognizes a series of important historical events in deaf 历史 dating back to the 1800s.  

妇女历史月 之前在加州索诺玛举行了为期一周的活动. 妇女历史月 became an official annual celebration when Congress signed the resolution in 1987. It was originally established to draw attention to and improve the focus on women in historical studies. 国际妇女节(3月8日)也在这个月.  

查阅 图书馆资源指引 妇女历史月 了解更多信息.



“骄傲月”图书馆资源指引 有其他信息.

有关年度的资料 洛杉矶的骄傲 游行和节日

六月节 is a federal holiday on 6月 19 that honors the end of slavery and the emancipation of enslaved African American in the United States. 这个节日通常是为了庆祝非裔美国人的文化. 2021年6月, 国会通过了一项决议,将六月节定为联邦假日, 拜登总统很快将其签署为法律. 


亚太裔传统月 is celebrated in 五月 as it commemorates the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on 五月 7, 1843, 并在5月10日纪念横贯大陆铁路的竣工纪念日, 1869. 铺设铁轨的工人大多是中国移民. 


美国犹太人传统月 in 五月 honors the celebration of the 350th Anniversary of American Jewish History that took place 五月 2004. 美国犹太人传统月 celebrates American Jews’ achievements and contributions to the United States. 

Memorial Day is a federal holiday that honors the United States military personnel who have died while serving in the armed forces. 阵亡将士纪念日在五月的最后一个星期一.